Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

The Gold Guide in the East Midlands

The Gold Guide is a set of standards that guide the specialty training of doctors in training once they leave a Foundation Programme. It should standardise areas such as; Induction, Assessment, Appraisals and the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). Achieving this will enable trainees and their trainers to track, monitor and evaluate their training experience in a much more robust way.

Gold Guide

HEEM has prepared a series of documents and presentations that help introduce the Gold Guide. These can be downloaded, viewed and used by trainees and trainers alike and should be of use in rolling out this new development in Trusts and Training Programmes. Please contact Dr Charlie Cooper for further information.

Dr Charlie Cooper - Associate Postgraduate Dean and Lead Gold Guide implementation.

Related Links

A Junior Doctor's Guide to the NHS