Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

Trainers Grants (automatic payment no invoice required)

Trainer Grants for GP Practices in the East Midlands will now be made at the end of each rotation (still every 4 months during ST3). Payments will continue to be made directly to the practice, a daily rate will be applied pro rata, calculating the applicable TG based on the period the trainee is in the practice.

The practice will not receive a Trainer Grant if a trainee is on long term sick leave. However, NHSE will support Phased returns with no reductions made.

From the 1 April 2023 the rate of payment has increased to £9,794  per annum.

Please note below are planned payment dates for this financial year. Payments will include applicable trainer grants for all registrars;


March 2024 to include TG for the period 06 December 2023 – 03 April 2024

September 2024 to include TG for the period 04 April 2024 – 06 August 2024

December 2024 to include TG for the period 07 August 2024 –  03 December 2024

March 2025 to include TG for the period 04 December 2024-01 April 2025


Payments are made in line with rotations to ensure they are as accurate as possible. You can review payments on PSCE statement.

Please contact us at  if you have any queries relating to payments you have received.


Educational Supervision & Continued Professional Development Claims for the financial year

2024-25 Educational Supervision (ES)

Payments are made automatic and again No invoices are required. Practices should be able to see these payments on PSCE statement.  

ES Payment is a one-off payment representing the whole year. The rates are £250 for up to 6 months and £500 for over 6 months.

The next scheduled payment for Educational supervision is January 2025 once information for the year has been collated:

The annual payment for Educational Supervisors is for each ST1/2 trainee and for every six months, for which a fee of £250 will be paid.

The rate of payment is £250 per ES which includes completing ESR reports, preparation work beforehand and with a commitment of keeping in touch with a trainee between reports.


2024-25 Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

Like Educational Supervisor, CPD payment is also automatic and no claims are required. 

CPD Payments will be made to Practices in November 2024, one off payment representing the whole year. The payment rate is £500 per year.

Who is Eligible for CPD?

The CPD allowance is for approved GP Trainers only. Below are the guidelines for eligibility

To qualify for these payments’ trainers must adhere to the following;

(1) Active GP trainers (within the last 2 years)

(2) Currently on the Performers List 

(3) Maintain performance as a GP Trainer which must be evidenced in NHS appraisal documentation


If you have any queries regarding any of the above, please contact




Updated MARCH 2024.


1. We have a Registrar who has changed GP practices and ES part way through a rotation.  She was at one practice from 01/08/18 – 14/10/18 and then a different practice from 15/10/18-04/12/18.   Will both ESs receive a payment of £250?

Each supervisor will be able to claim £250 for 6 month or less of supervision

2.  We have a Registrar who started in Feb 2018 and went on maternity leave in May 2018 (due to return in May 2019).  Do we include this on the return?

Each supervisor will be able to claim £250 for 6 month or less of supervision

3. We have four new GP Registrars starting on 6th February 2019.  Should we capture the relevant information in this return?

 As most of the supervision will take place in the next financial year, please include on next year’s return 

4. Regarding the column headed ‘Location of Trainee’ – Do we need to state where the Trainee is working at this current time or for the whole academic year?

 The location should be where the trainee was when the review took place