
The Nottingham Centre for Clinical Haematology has its own dedicated stem cell apheresis unit and dedicated stem cell laboratory.
The East Midlands is a vibrant and thriving region. Less than 90 minutes from London by train you'll find a highly structured and successful Haematology training programme as well as some of the leading experts and facilities in the UK.
The unique geography of the region means you benefit from experience in a range of busy hospitals without the need to commute or move home. And, you will develop your Haematology career while also being able to enjoy the wealth of culture, art, sport, music and heritage of some of the UK's leading towns and cities - Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Northampton and Lincoln.
Keep reading to find out more about the East Midlands' superb Haematology training programme and what the region has to offer.
High quality training in some of the UK's leading facilities

The Nottingham Centre for Clinical Haematology is the largest recruiting centre for many national and international clinical trials.
With a small number of trainees, Haematology training in the East Midlands gives you highly focused personal training from leading experts. You'll join a team who can boast superb exam results and you'll develop your career in the care of highly experienced specialists who look after trainees from across the UK.
We also support less than full time training. If you're looking to develop your Haematology career but can't commit to a full-time position then the East Midlands is the place to come.
After your excellent and thorough induction, your training will be based in thriving and busy regional centres serving millions of patients. Two separate rotations across the region are based around the University cities of Nottingham and Leicester, giving you flexibility around where you work. And, the close links between the training schemes mean you can move to a different part of the region easily in order to gain more specific experience in areas of Haematology that particularly interest you.
You will face a wide range of interesting and diverse cases, giving you superb all-round experience. We support many large units including some of the UK's biggest ICU, trauma and obstetrics centres, meaning you'll benefit from learning in a fast-paced and interesting environment.
As well as a firm grounding in all areas of general and laboratory haematology, your training will allow you to gain experience in a wide range of sub-specialties including:

NUH is a comprehensive care centre for the treatment of haemophilia.
- Haemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
- Haemostasis and Thrombosis
- Paediatric Haematology
- Haemglobinopathies
- Pregnancy related Haematology
- Blood Transfusion
The region also boasts some of the leading facilities in the UK. The Nottingham Centre for Clinical Haematology is the largest recruiting centre for many national/international clinical trials while the Hope Trials Unit is also a centre for international trials with expertise in Phase 1 studies.
The Nottingham Centre for Clinical Haematology has its own dedicated stem call apheresis unit and stem cell laboratory while the city also boasts the largest Bone Marrow Transplant centre outside London, performing over 150 transplants every year, including cord blood and haplo-identical transplants. You'll also benefit from a placement with the National Blood Service in Sheffield for specialist Blood Transfusion Training.
You'll benefit from structured training opportunities, regular regional/local training sessions, high levels of support from your peers across the region and lots of opportunities for research. You'll also be encouraged to take time Out of Programme in order to study for a higher degree (MD or PhD) and there are opportunities in a variety of areas.
World class sport, art, culture and heritage on your doorstep

Nottingham has the largest Bone Marrow Transplant unit outside of London, performing over 130 transplants per year.
The East Midlands is less than two hours from London, Birmingham, Oxford, Manchester, Sheffield and Leeds and with superb road, rail and air links it's easy to get to the rest of the UK and beyond. House prices in the region are significantly lower than the South - around 44% lower than the South East and 62% lower than London - and you can enjoy world class sport, culture, heritage and arts.
The region boasts Premier League football, one of the UK's leading contemporary art galleries, a major arena music venue, Test cricket, the UK's most established comedy festival, the British Grand Prix and one of the world's most celebrated cathedrals.
For more information, email one of our Training Programme Directors:
Dr K Longmuir - Karyn.Longmuir@kgh.nhs.net
Dr M Bishton - Mark bishton@nuh.nhs.net