Workforce, training and education
East Midlands

F2 - Specialty Applications

Half day trust delivered workshop for F2 trainees across the East Midlands

Depending upon your location in F2 during September and October  you will have an opportunity to attend a workshop on applying for specialty training - "The Essential Guide to Specialty Applications and Interviews". This half-day workshop will:

  • Cover the application process and timeline/deadlines
  • Explore common topics coming up in clinical scenarios and give you an opportunity to practice a role-play discussion
  • Consider strategies and models for answering structured interview questions, consider common questions/topics and take part in short practice interviews

On-line workshop - please note there is an on-line version of "The Essential Guide To Specialty Applications and Interviews" available on the East Midlands VLE. This includes (and expands on) the information and resources used in the half day workshop:

Dates and how to book...
For dates, venues and booking information please contact your trust's Foundation Programme Co-Ordinator.